Shipping policy

Delivery methods
We ship all over the world. Just buy and enjoy our great service and we will deliver directly to your door.
1. Receive your order request
Once your payment has been processed and your order request has been received, we will send you an email to confirm this order. We will then prepare the items in your order.
2. Processing time
For this part, please ask about 1-4 working days for quality control and arrange suitable shipment. Once your package has been shipped, we will send you an email with shipping information.
Note: For orders with multiple items, the processing time will be based on the item with the longest processing time.
3.Transportation time
Shipping: 7-13 working days. (We will arrange delivery within 72 hours. )
Please see website updates for shipping charges.
NOTE: Public holidays, destination country and courier company shipping times may also be affected.
Total delivery time = handling time + shipping time
Based on feedback, most packages arrive quickly and safely.
Can I change or cancel my order?
● If you change your purchasing decision, you can choose to cancel the order, but you must pay attention to some things.
● If you have not paid for your order, you can cancel your order as soon as possible on our website. If you have already paid, you need to contact us via email ([email protected]) as soon as possible!